So instead of Bruges I am in Lyme Regis, it is 7am and I am running up a very long hill in the rain. I have run out of path and am on the road in the half-light wondering if it is best to run facing the traffic so that I can dive into a hedge should I need to, or run with the traffic so that drivers can spot me by my high-viz jacket and my little blinking red light that attaches to the back of my jacket. I decide to do both depending upon the curve of the road. Despite this planning I am missed by inches by a builders van and a horsy type in a Land Rover. After 30 minutes of non-stop up hill. I turn around and come back down again, very chuffed. I definitely did a better job today than I would have a few months ago. Hills Schmills. It might be a different story after cycling 112 miles though!!! No swim today, will have to schedule for later in the week.
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