Sunday, 28 February 2010

Reflections on the scale of the challenge

After a good nights’ sleep I thought that it would be useful to get an early swim in today. I am not sure how far it will be useful to run today and so a swim would keep me to my weekly training hours. It was a good one (3 sets of 40 lengths or 3k) however there was some very strange politics from the "Fast lane Mafia". I switched into "their lane" when the one I was using became over crowded with people doing breaststroke. This I thought was fair since for the past 15 minutes they had all been chatting at the wall. When I did so one individual followed me and raced past me at the end. As I hit the wall another exclaimed "he beat you", I replied that I wasn’t aware that I was racing and carried on. Did it bother me, it shouldn’t but I guess it did since I am writing about it now!

All this aside I was hit by the fact that I was really tired when I finished and I hadn’t even completed Ironman distance (3.8k). This made me think, the swim is going to be a real drain on my energy and afterwards I will be biking for another 6+ hours and then running a marathon. I am wondering how on earth is my body going to adapt to that over the next 20 or so weeks? My goal all along has been to get to the marathon fresh and able to run the full distance, I am wondering how realistic this actually is?

This evening my calf was feeling ok and so I ventured out thinking of a maximum of 30 minutes very gentle pace, 20 yards down the road and I could feel the specific area of my calf begin to complain. Like a sensible boy I stopped turned around and walked home. I can see this is going to take longer that I thought.

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