- 6:00 am I am wide awake. Don’t need to get up. No swimming today, no work it’s Saturday. Need to stick to the plan. Try and doze.
- 6:20.I wonder why only 2 swim sessions a week?
- 6:30 The plan says no swimming on the weekend, stick to the plan
- 6:40 Perhaps it’s ok if you do extra swims and focus only on technique and only half the normal full hour.
- 6:45 on my way to the pool, it will be fine as long as I only do half an hour and don’t push it too hard.
So started my day, perhaps it was the wrong thing to do but it felt right and there are plenty of days when I will stick to the plan I am sure.
After lunch finished the book “what I talk about when I talk about running” by Haruki Murakami, great book and a very inspiring guy in a gentle unimposing way.
For the second session of the day I am onto the bike, indoors again and I opt for rollers with the plan of doing as a long as I can then swapping over to the turbo when I have had enough. At 60 minutes I decide to see if I can do the full 90. Neck, bum bones and heals of my hands aching but manage to go the distance. It has been such a long time since I have ridden on the road I have no idea how I will do, have I improved? I filppin hope so. The second half of War of the Worlds helps me through the distance (although I wasn’t able to watch much, mostly listening because when I glance at the screen I wobble all over the place and risk catapulting myself into the wall). One small victory, I managed to wipe a drip of sweat off my face without crashing so perhaps my balance is improving. Best not get too used to only being able to cycle when wathcing DVDs, not sure they are allowed in the race.
I've walked past that Murukami book in my local Foyles quite a few times in the last few months... hmmm, maybe I should pick it up next time!